Registration Form
“*” Indicates required fields
You must be a current member of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies to register for the conference. See here for further details relating to membership.
You will need your ACHS Unique ID number when you register.
To find this:
- Go to the ACHS website Membership Page and log in with your email address and password.
- Once you have logged in, search for your name in the directory. Click on your name, and your ID will be shown on the next screen. Your ID is a combination of 24 digits and letters unique to you.
- Please copy and paste the ID into the registration form.
To confirm that you are a student, you must send an email with the subject “study certificate” to attaching the document that proves it, it can be proof of payment of tuition or a certificate from your Academic unit. Please specify your full name in the email.
All conference fee are final no refund.