Become a sponsor of our ACHS 2024 Galway Conference. Your financial support of our organization makes it possible to bring a diverse group of participants to our Galway conference. Names of all sponsors would be in the conference book. We have different levels of sponsorship available:
Sponsor a Topic (€10,000 and Up): This is the highest form of sponsorship. There are five major topics available. Sponsors would be acknowledged during the opening and closing ceremonies of the conference.
Sponsor a Roundtable (€3,000): The sponsor will be acknowledged during the opening and closing remarks of the roundtable.
Sponsor a Panel (€1,000): The sponsor will be acknowledged during the opening and closing remarks of the roundtable.
Gala Night Sponsorship (€500 – €1000): Sponsors would be acknowledged during the dinner.
Individual Sponsorship (€100): The conference organization is grateful to you for your support of the conference.
If you want to sponsor, please send an email to achs2024galway@gmail.com with your name and category of sponsorship, so that we can send you payment instructions.